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Our Programme

Our programme is designed to provide opportunities for each child to develop essential skills and abilities through a selection of activities. Within the activities presented the children are encouraged to make decisions and take responsibility. The following are areas of learning development as required by EYFS and will be introduced to children in an exciting and imaginative way:

Prime Areas
  • Personal & Social Development – (Making relationships, Self-confidence and self-awareness, Managing feelings and behaviour)

  • Physical Development – (Moving and handling, Health and self-care)

  • Communication and Language – (Listening and attention, Understanding, Speaking)

Specific Areas


  • Literacy – (Reading, Writing)

  • Mathematics – (Numbers, Shape, Space and Measure)

  • Understanding the World – (People and Communities, The World, Technology)

  • Expressive Arts and Design – (Exploring and using media and materials, Being Imaginative)

  • ​

Our continuous provision will take into account how children learn when planning and guiding children’s activities, building upon the recognised characteristics of effective learning, which are:


  • Playing and exploring – children will be encouraged to learn by investigating and experiences and by adopting a “have a go” approach.

  • Active learning – children will be encouraged to concentrate and keep on trying if they encounter difficulties, and enjoy achievements.

  • Creating and thinking critically – children are encouraged to have and develop their own ideas, make connections between their ideas and develop ways of doing things.


Our aim is to support the children in the four principles of the EYFS:-


  • A unique child

  • Positive relationships

  • Enabling environments

  • Learning and development

Session Times
  • 09:00am – 12:00 noon (Morning Session)

  • 09:00am- 13:00pm. (Morning Session plus Lunch)

  • 12:00noon – 15:00pm (Afternoon Session)

  • 09:00am – 15:00pm (Full Day)

Daily Programme


  • 09:00am – 9:20am Arrival/ Showing Time/Free Choice Time.

  • 09:20am – 9:30am Praise & worship/ register

  • 09:30am – 10:00am Group Time 10:00am – 10:30am Free Play Time

  • 10:30am – 10:55am Snack Break

  • 10:55am – 11:45am Outside Play

  • 11:45am – 12:00pm Story Time

  • 12:00 noon Home Time for Part- timers

  • 12:00pm – 13:00pm Lunch for Full-timers

  • 13:00pm – 13:45pm Group Time

  • 13:45pm – 14:45pm Outside Play

  • 14:45pm – 15:00pm Story Time

  • 15:00pm – Home Time for Full- timers

Group Activities

The Preschool is divided into three age-related groups, where key workers will consistently assess and monitor the children’s progress, working towards the Early Learning Goals to prepare them for school.

Lamb Group


​The first group is for children aged from 2.2 years to approximately 3.3 years. This group is designed to help with the transition from home to Preschool, and to teach the children basic social behaviour and how to play. The children will become familiar with the Preschool environment and experience a varied range of activities. Painting, sticking, play dough, construction and sand are some of the activities which the children will be offered each day. The focus is very much on the Prime Areas of learning including: personal, social and emotional development, communication and language and physical development to form the good basis for extended learning to take place.

Dove Group

​The second group is for children aged approximately 3:4 to 3.11 years. Mathematical Development, Communication, Language and Literacy, Understanding the world, Personal, Social and Emotional Development, Physical Development and Expressive Art and Design are all presented in an exciting structured way.

Lion Group

This group is for children aged approximately 3:11 years to school age. A creatively balanced programme is presented to build onto previous experiences and to further the children’s progress towards the Early Learning Goals. The programme ensures that each child has the best possible opportunity to develop socially, emotionally, physically, intellectually, creatively and spiritually, in readiness for school. Assessments and observations are carried out regularly and teachers will convey any concerns regarding children’s progress to parents when necessary.

Free Play Time


​The Preschool has been arranged into separate areas, which the children will have freedom to explore during Free Play Time. The activities provided in these areas will change to ensure continuing interest and varied experiences. The children will be encouraged to take part in the changes made. Their verbal and practical contributions are of great importance. During Free Play Time the children will become familiar with the planning of what they wish to accomplish in an area, while teachers/helpers are placed in every area to ensure appropriate play and to encourage positive behaviour and social interaction. Free Play Time is also a time when the teacher will interact with the children in groups or on a one-to-one basis, as appropriate. 

Biblical Values

​As a Christian Preschool, we want to give the children the opportunity to grow in the knowledge and experience of a personal and loving God, to begin to understand the Bible and to learn who Jesus is. Christian values are integrated into all activities as a lifestyle.

Music Activities


​These activities will be varied, designed and presented to each group individually. The programme will be challenging for the children, especially physically and intellectually, developing areas such as coordination, balance, timing, rhythm, beat and memory. Highfield Preschool has on its staff a qualified music teacher who is able to bring an exciting dimension to the music activities.

Outside Play

​This forms an important part of children’s learning experience and we use our lovely garden in many imaginative ways to further the children’s development in all learning areas. We endeavour to take the children out for at least two outside play sessions per day.

© 2021 Highfield Preschool.

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